
Project Overview

Maggots is a comedy short that follows the story of a 'wannabe' detective that tries to unearth a mystery which ends up not so mysterious…


Project Overview

Maggots is a comedy short that follows the story of a 'wannabe' detective that tries to unearth a mystery which ends up not so mysterious…


Project Overview

Maggots is a comedy short that follows the story of a 'wannabe' detective that tries to unearth a mystery which ends up not so mysterious…



In this film, I was the editor and took on the task of the VFX, color correction (CC), as well as being the Digital Imaging Technician (DIT). There were lots of collaboration during all stages of production, where I constantly updated my team on mood boards and ideas that I had in mind before we got to filming. During post-production, I took inspiration from classic film-noir and decided to combine certain elements from that trope with the combination of a comedic style of editing, which involved the use of Edgar Wright's quick zooms. As for the VFX, I used a plugin which created a base model of the flies and made use of keyframes to position the flies to move accordingly. During post-production, we encountered errors in the footage, where the white balance was off and the sky appeared to be over-saturated. This led me to try out several things with the use of Lumetri color, but was unable to find a solution. I decided to mask out the entire sky and replacing it with a stock image of a clear, blue sky which worked out in my favour.

In this film, I was the editor and took on the task of the VFX, color correction (CC), as well as being the Digital Imaging Technician (DIT). There were lots of collaboration during all stages of production, where I constantly updated my team on mood boards and ideas that I had in mind before we got to filming. During post-production, I took inspiration from classic film-noir and decided to combine certain elements from that trope with the combination of a comedic style of editing, which involved the use of Edgar Wright's quick zooms. As for the VFX, I used a plugin which created a base model of the flies and made use of keyframes to position the flies to move accordingly. During post-production, we encountered errors in the footage, where the white balance was off and the sky appeared to be over-saturated. This led me to try out several things with the use of Lumetri color, but was unable to find a solution. I decided to mask out the entire sky and replacing it with a stock image of a clear, blue sky which worked out in my favour.



  • Problem Solving

  • Creativity

  • Efficient use of Adobe Premiere Pro & After Effects

  • Collaboration

  • Problem Solving

  • Creativity

  • Efficient use of Adobe Premiere Pro & After Effects

  • Collaboration